Kulturni krugovi

"The influence of Pavel Gililov could indeed be heard in Pavle's interpretation of the piano concertos by Frederic Chopin, especially in the first movement of the first concerto in E Minor, in which, aside from the excellent technique, we could hear something more, a deep and stylistically excellent interpretation of Chopin's romantic language. In the interpretation of Pavle Krstic, we already now noticed that an artist, which shows individuality and authenticity, is before us. Exactly that tells us, that very soon, if he continues to develop this way, he will take a significant place in the world of music. This was, above all, noticeable in the performance of Chopin's music, where we heard wonderfully thought out melodic phrases, with clearly lead differentiated important lines, as well as a very good dynamic nuancing. The fact that the young artist didn't fall into the trap of an excessive use of pedal in the performance of Chopin's music, something many pianists are inclined towards, added to an excellent impression. Instead, we heard a clear musical text, that captured the audience with each new played phrase.”


"Uticaj Pavela Gililova svakako da se mogao čuti u Pavlovoj interpretaciji klavirskih koncerata Frederika Šopena i to naročito u I stavu I koncerta u e-molu u kojem smo osim odlične tehnike imali priliku da čujemo i nešto više, jedno produbljeno i stilski odlično postavljeno izvodjenje Šopenovog romantičarskog jezika. U interpretaciji Pavla Krstića uočili smo da već sada ispred nas stoji umetnik koji pokazuje individualnost i autentičnost. Upravo to nam govori da če jako brzo, ukoliko nastavi da se razvija u ovom pravcu zauzeti značajno mesto na svetskoj muzičkoj sceni. Ovo se pre svega videlo u izvodjenju Šopenove muzike gde smo čuli divno osmišljene melodijske fraze, sve jasno izvedene izdiferenciranim bitnim linijama, kao i veoma dobrom dinamičko nijansiranje. Odličnom utisku doprinela je i činjenica da mladi umetnik nije upao u zamku preterane upotrebe pedala u izvodjenju Šopenove muzike, čemu su skloni mnogi pijanisti, već smo čuli jedan jasan muzički tekst koji je osvajao publiku svakom novom odsviranom frazom."

— Tamara Maljković, Ars sonora (February 15, 2016)

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