Muzički život

"The orchestral parts in these works are rather modest, however, the piano part is full of wonderful, memorable themes, brilliant passages, and gentle lyrical atmosphere. The young pianist interpreted them virtuously, but gently, almost etherically, pearly, with tastefully measured rubatos and without any dynamic brutality, in wide gradation arches"


"Orkestarske deonice u ovim delima sasvim su skromne, ali su klavirske pune predivnih, upečatljivih tema, briljantnih pasaža i nežne lirske atmosfere. Mladi pjanista interpretirao ih je virtuozno, ali i nežno, gotovo eterično, perlasto, sa ukusno doziranim rubatima i bez ikakve dinamičke grubosti u široko postavljenim gradacionim lukovima."

— Gordana Krajačić, Književne novine (March 1, 2016)

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